SEO Consultant Template

SEO consultancy for your Business

Expand your business

In today's competitive economy, it is imperative to use every available tool to grow your brand recognition and attract new customers. Your company's online presence is essential for this, and improving the ranking of your business' website on Search Engine is your best bet for increased interaction and traffic on your website.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of using copy, content and website design to get your business found in the Organic listings on a Search Engine. So instead of paying for clicks, you can secure a place in the search results ranking because of the relevance and content of your website. 

Talk to me today to find our how we can improve your online presence...

Fill in the form below to schedule a free call today.


10 Hour Package - 300$/per month

Get your hours for the month! By purchasing a set amount of hour per month you are guaranteeing my time. Additional hours can be purchased at 30$ an hour.

20 Hour Package - $526/per month

You can use your hours however you see fit. Additional hours can be purchased at 30$ an hour.

Customized Retainer - by quote

If you need more hours per month, that is possible as well. Contact me for a personalized quote for however many hours you may need.

About me

Hi there, I'm **Enter your name**, I have been a **enter your profession** for **number** years. I am currently based in **enter your city and country**. When I realized my services could help more than just one person and I could help people from all over the world while discovering and meeting many new businesses and individuals, I jumped at the opportunity.

My professional background has been in **enter professional field and experience**.

I hope we get the chance to work together.

What's been said about my work

Jane, Crimsons limited - "I am so lucky to have found **your name** to help me with getting my website ranked up in the search engine results. They work for me 5 hours a month to make sure my website never falls down in the rankings and is always relevant!"

Harry, Grandtree - "What a great experience working with **your name** was, **he/she** has successfully got me 50% more traffic than my website had before, and gave me great tips to keep it that way. A true professional."

Susan, Eleven - "Never have I gotten so much traffic to my website! **your name** has really made my new venture fly off the ground, I recommend **her/his** services to everyone."

Let's work together !

Contact us

Our location: **Enter your address here**
Phone number: **Your phone number**
Email: **Your Email**

*See our location on the map below

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Our Terms and Conditions

**upload your terms and conditions here**